Museo Leonardiano Vinci

Museo Leonardiano Vinci is a dedicated museum to Leonardo da Vinci. This visit showcase the life and work of the famous Leonardo da Vinci, who is known for his diverse talents and interests such as invention, science, architecture, and more, but primarily as a painter.
Here, students will be able to explore some of his greatest work, from reconstructed models based on his drawings. Your students will be able to examine and understand the mechanics and functions of Leonardo's design of a bicycle, flying machines, building-site machineries, to mechanical clocks.
Guided tours are also available for your group should you wish to visit the house in Anchiano, the birthplace of Leonardo. Or explore Vinci, the historic centre of Leonardo's home town.
This visit is an amazing trip for your students and will give them invaluable knowledge of how Leonardo da Vinci's work has changed the world we live in today.