School Trip Travel InsuranceSchool Trip Travel Insurance

School Trip Travel Insurance

School Trip Travel Insurance

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Calculate your school Travel Insurance costs

Use our calculator to find out how much it will cost to add travel insurance to your tour.

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We believe that safety and enjoyment are equally important when booking a tour with Adaptable Travel. It is therefore why it is a condition of booking with us that you have obtained adequate and valid specialist school group travel insurance for the entire duration of your trip.

Adaptable Travel have decided to partner with Endsleigh Insurance, to create a bespoke school group travel insurance policy that covers against a variety of unforeseen risks.

Cover includes cancellation and curtailment of the trip due to illness, injury or death; the cost of any repatriation back to the beneficiary’s home country following a medical emergency. Additionally cover for over 100 sports and activities are included as standard under this group policy and full details are available within the activity guide lists in the group policy documents.

The group policy has been arranged for the benefit of persons travelling on a trip (the beneficiary / beneficiaries) with Adaptable Travel (the group policyholder).

Key features and benefits:

  • A 24 hour helpline for medical emergencies
  • Emergency medical expenses in the event of illness or injury
  • Protection against cancellation or curtailment charges
  • Cover for loss or damage to baggage and personal money
  • A wide range of sports and activities covered including winter sports

Key eligibility criteria and exclusions:

  • Not available to anyone aged 85 or over
  • No cover under cancellation or curtailment charges, emergency medical expenses or personal accident relating to any reason set out under ‘Important conditions relating to health’ – see group policy wording and endorsements that may be applicable to the policy
  • No cover where the FCO or World Health Organisation has advised against travel
  • No cover where travel is not departing from and returning to your home country
  • Claims may subject to an excess, depending on the cover section of the policy
  • No cover in connection with a medical epidemic or pandemic, except claims under Section 2 – Emergency Medical and other expenses. See the Frequently Asked Questions below.

The table below displays a summary of the maximum amounts which are payable under each cover section. Please note the group policy is subject to terms, conditions, limits and exclusions - please refer to the group policy wording and the statement of insurance for full details of the cover available.

SectionBenefitsCover LimitsExcess
1Cancellation or curtailment charges
Aggregate limit
(£20 loss of deposit)
2Emergency medical & other expenses
Emergency dental treatmentReplacement group leader
3Personal accident
1. i. Death benefit (aged under 16)
Death benefit (aged 16 to 64)
ii. Loss of limbs or sight (aged under 16)
Loss of limbs or sight (aged 16 to 64)
iii. Permanent total disablement (aged under 16)
Permanent total disablement (aged 16 to 64)
2. Death benefit (aged under 16)
Death benefit (aged 16 to 64)
4Baggage (Including valuables)
a) Single article, pair or set limit
b) Valuables limit in total
Group Equipment
5Group money, passport & documents
1. a) Currency, notes and coins
b) Other group money and documents
2. Passport or visa
6Personal Liability£2,000,000£100
Additional Bespoke Features Included
SectionBenefitsCover LimitsExcess
81. Delayed Departure
2. Cancellation of trip (after 12 hrs)
£20 per 12 hrs up to £100
9Missed departure£500£50
10Hospital benefit £15 per day up to £300£0