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Herculaneum's fate runs parallel to that of Pompeii in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79 which buried it in 16m-thick superheated pyroclastic material. Unlike Pompeii, its burial was deep enough to ensure the upper storeys of buildings remained intact, and the hotter ash preserved wooden household objects such as beds and even food! The inhabitants suffered a terrible fate - thousands of people tried to escape by boat but were suffocated by the volcano's poisonous gases and overcome by the intense heat of the pyroclastic flows from Vesuvius. Like Pompeii it is also possible to freely explore the excavated ruins.
We recommend this tour is completed as a half day tour, and combined with Pompeii and/or Vesuvius.
This add-on is available as part of package tour with Adaptable Travel. Note, we do not offer daytrips.
TourTrust - Risk Category
We risk assess every tour add-on in line with our TourTrust school tour safety system. Find out more.