DMC Agent Safety
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In many of our destinations, we book suppliers via destination management companies (DMC), which we refer to as Agents.
Utilising Agents allows us to secure better pricing, wider access to reservations and additional support in destinations if needed.
We will risk assess all agents we use for our school trips. Our extensive audit will require the agent to cover all aspects of health and safety in relation to our school trips, including:
Accommodation - all aspects related to safety in relation to school trips, from food hygiene to beds, water to balconies and fire safety.
Transport – compliance with all the relevant and necessary local and International/national codes of practice and laws.
Excursions—All excursions comply with the relevant and necessary local and International/national codes, practices, and laws.
Management of Agent Audits
A rating will be awarded to all excursion audits; the possible ratings are as follows:
It conforms to all local and International/national requirements, and safety is good. No improvements are required at the time of inspection.
Regardless of conformance with local and national requirements, this rating means the agent is below the required standards in terms of health and safety, and as a result, Adaptable Travel will not use the agent.
If any complaints are received regarding health and safety, the relevant agent will be contacted to ensure the issue is rectified. Depending on the severity of the issue, an additional audit may take place to ensure Adaptable Travel is happy to continue using the agent.
Regularity of Questionnaires
Questionnaires for Agents will be collected every three years at a minimum. If any complaints relating to health and safety are received, additional questionnaires will be requested more frequently.
If we become aware that an Agent is considered inappropriate in any way, that Agent will be removed from the supplier list. The Agent in question will only be reinstated once the problems have been rectified.
Section | Benefits | Cover Limits | Excess |
1 | Cancellation or curtailment charges Aggregate limit Excursions | £2,000 £50,000 £250 | £50 (£20 loss of deposit) |
2 | Emergency medical & other expenses Emergency dental treatmentReplacement group leader | £5,000,000 £250 £5,000 | £50 |
3 | Personal accident 1. i. Death benefit (aged under 16) Death benefit (aged 16 to 64) ii. Loss of limbs or sight (aged under 16) Loss of limbs or sight (aged 16 to 64) iii. Permanent total disablement (aged under 16) Permanent total disablement (aged 16 to 64) 2. Death benefit (aged under 16) Death benefit (aged 16 to 64) | £2,500 £5,000 £12,000 £24,000 £15,000 £30,000 £2,500 £5,000 | £0 |
4 | Baggage (Including valuables) a) Single article, pair or set limit b) Valuables limit in total Group Equipment | £800 £200 £300 £750 | £50 |
5 | Group money, passport & documents 1. a) Currency, notes and coins b) Other group money and documents 2. Passport or visa | £500 £500 £200 | £50 |
6 | Personal Liability | £2,000,000 | £100 |
Section | Benefits | Cover Limits | Excess |
8 | 1. Delayed Departure 2. Cancellation of trip (after 12 hrs) | £20 per 12 hrs up to £100 £2,000 | £0 £50 |
9 | Missed departure | £500 | £50 |
10 | Hospital benefit | £15 per day up to £300 | £0 |