Learn Iceland: What's Cool for School Trips?
If you’re a teacher looking to make geography exciting and appealing to students why not consider a school trip to Iceland a country literally bursting with energy that will captivate the minds of even the least enthusiastic student. Famous for its hot springs, geysers and active volcanoes students can benefit from the once in a lifetime opportunity to see a living land being created in front of their very eyes. With the ceasing of the Gromvotn and Eyjafjallajokull Volcanoes and the clean-up operation well underway school trips can now explore the affected areas and see the ash for themselves.
Despite volcanic eruptions and economic problems there is never been a better time to visit Iceland than before as school trips to Iceland can benefit from Iceland’s weakened currency and the promotional campaigns currently on offer to encourage people and students alike to visit. Well served by most major national airports Iceland is highly accessible and is only 3-4 hours away from London and Manchester. With natural resources in abundance and a unique culture Iceland is a diverse country that is sure to amaze.
Now one of Europe’s most popular destinations Iceland is the land of wind and fire where school trips can witness first-hand the unforgettable wonders of nature. With its wealth of natural wonders it is perfect the destination for a geography school trip as it provides some excellent field study opportunities for students. With our itinerary visits planning service we can offer you the right combination of remote coastline, classic waterfalls, craters and geysers, hot springs and wild mountainous landscapes to give your students the perfect introduction to this dramatic country. If you would like to organise a school trip why not contact us for more information on school trips to Iceland.