Hotel Rijper Eilanden

Zuiddijk 2A, 1483 MA De Rijp, Netherlands
1 star2 star3 star3 star4.5 star4 star5 star1.5 star
Tourist Class

Hotel Rijper Eilanden

Located around 12 miles from Amsterdam city centre in a small town named De Rijp.� Surrounded by beautiful Dutch countryside, not far from both the east and west coast of northern Holland.
Student Room Facilities
Free WiFi, Safety Deposit Box, En-Suite rooms, TV
Student Rooming
Max 4 per room
Please note, we cannot guarantee student rooms will be located on the same floor or next to staff rooms. We always request this and do our best to ensure this is the case, but it cannot be guaranteed.
Staff Rooms
Please note, all staff rooms will be twin bedded rooms unless quoted otherwise in your quotation. We provide one single room if you have an odd number of free staff places.
Staff Single Room Supplement

Please ask your Educational Tour Coordinator for a price.

Key / Damage Deposit

The accommodation may require a refundable key/damage deposit when checking in. This could be up to £25 per person, to be paid in cash upon checking in.

Safety Management
The accommodation may require a refundable key/damage deposit when checking in. This could be up to £25 per person, to be paid in cash upon checking in.

Adaptable Says

This hotel is in a great location for you to travel to and from many visits around the Dutch Coast and Amsterdam.
Where you’ll be